Wild Turkeys
Join us in the Bierhall Café for a SAAS Wildlife Presentation! Coffee and breakfast items will be available for purchase prior to the event.
9am – Gather
9:30am – Presentation begins
Program Description: Once extirpated from New York State, wild turkeys can now be found throughout the state, including New York City. NYS DEC wildlife biologist Michael Muthersbaugh will discuss this wildlife restoration success story, how the numbers again are decreasing, and how you can help track turkeys while you are out and about this summer.
Presenter Bio: Mike began working with the NYSDEC in November 2023, and transitioned to working with upland game birds in May, 2024. Before joining the DEC, Mike earned a M.Sc. in Fisheries and Wildlife Science from Virginia Tech studying the seasonal activity patterns of bats in the central Appalachians and his Ph.D. in Wildlife and Fisheries Biology from Clemson University exploring the maternal behaviors and population dynamics of white-tailed deer in the Piedmont of South Carolina.
Check out the other programs in our Audubon Café series:
- Aug 14 – Soil Fungus & Forest Diversity